02/02/2022 in News
Important information about COVID-19

We at Advanced Vestibular Clinics are taking every precaution necessary to ensure your safety when attending an appointment.
We ask you please be mindful of the current restrictions and do a self-check with the below questionnaire before coming in to one of our clinics.

COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire
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- Are you feeling unwell with symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough or shortness of breath?
- Have you had close contact with someone who has a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19)?
- Have you travelled overseas in the last 14 days?
- Did you arrive in this state from another state after midnight Wednesday 25 March?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, we recommend that you:
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- Reschedule your appointment for as soon as possible after the 14-day exclusion
- Self-isolate at home for 14 days (as per the government protocols) after any international travel or if you have had close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 while infectious.
- Please call your GP if you develop any respiratory symptoms or fever.